
catching up

summer time. this summer has been so full.
full of adventures, travels, long hikes, short hikes, swimming holes, shotguns, live music, margaritas, camp vibes, bonfires, gormet s'mores, hammock naps, sword fights, skateboards, trout fishing, hula-hooping, slacklining, exploring, bows & arrows, river-rafting, near-death experiences, deer sightings, fireworks, weddings, skinned knees, mountain biking, iced coffee, freshly picked berries, new friends, old friends, lots of laughter & lots of love.
as you can imagine, these activities- combined with my dysfunctional laptop, leave little time for blogging. but with a little break in the chaos, i am here now to post the past month's worth of photos.
S T A Y T U N E D.